Wydział Sztuki - Visual Arts

Wydział Sztuki Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach

Visual Arts

Fragment of the Final Students’ Exposition at the end of the 2021/2022 academic year

Visual Arts is major provided on the first and second level of higher education, which based on comprehensive artistic education in the field of Visual Arts which results in gaining knowledge, abilities and social skills in the field of using varying art media, including artistic expressions.

The program consists:

  • subjects from the field of theory and history of art, contemporary art, animation of visual culture, which serve the purpose of gaining a broader cognitive perspective, development of creative attitude, artists being open to new challenges and taking various roles related to functioning in a society as a creator,
  • subjects from the field of fine arts like painting, drawing, printmaking and sculpture,
  • subjects from the field of multimedia, intermedia, photography and film,
  • optional subjects from the field of new media (digital arts and digital animation), graphic design (advertising and publication design).

Siqi Wu (participant of the international exchange between Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce and Tiangong University, China)
poster created in the studio of dr. Maciej Zdanowicz

Zhao Yi (participant of the international exchange between Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce and Tiangong University, China)
poster created in the studio of dr. Maciej Zdanowicz

Learning outcomes:

  • students’ intensive preparation for individual, creative work in the field of visual arts based on learning outcomes considering student’s individual interests,
  • development of the ability to independent explorations of new forms, means of expression and media, allow the use of interdisciplinary contemporary and future language
  • development of the ability to use of traditional and modern artistic media
  • gaining general, theoretical art history and modern art knowledge
  • students’ preparation for participation in regional, country and international cultural and artistic life.

The following factors have been taken into consideration when determining the study program:

  • traditions of artistic education in the field of plastic arts, in which the essential place of creative development is the master’s studio – the basis of didactic work in the master-student relationship,
  • due to the all-academic profile of education – the artistic and research activities of university staff in the discipline of fine arts and conservation of works of art, the resulting directions of work, reflections, views on art confronted with theoretical thought, art sciences and other fields of science as a result,
  • contemporary technical and technological achievements that allow students to create media-complex works and art projects prepare them to function in a complex reality in which a variety of means of expression permeate, creating phenomena described as intermedia, multimedia,
  • the location of the faculty in a university school allowing complete striving towards interdisciplinarity and cooperation with representatives of other disciplines and scientific and artistic fields, and finally embedding its students in a multicultural, complex community, allowing them to cooperate and act for the benefit of the university,
  • contemporary socio-economic needs related to the need to provide cadres to feed the creative industries of the public, private, and non-governmental sectors,
  • internationalization which is an essential aspect of contemporary art, artistic exchange by preparing students – future graduates to be ready for change, including also related to the place of residence, work, to undertake cooperation in international projects, artistic initiatives, openness to different worldviews, traditions, cultures, and nationalities.

International students at the Faculty of Art, the Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce (2017)

Profile of the graduate of the complementary bachelor’s degree program:
A Visual Arts graduate is a comprehensively educated artist – a visual artist using the interdisciplinary language of art, moving freely in the area of the chosen sub-discipline of fine arts and design arts. Thus, he is prepared to conduct basic artistic and design activities in his selected areas of fine arts of his choice. He has the experience to combine classical and contemporary art media and use them for applied purposes. Subjects in art theory and history, promotion, and dissemination of visual culture led to his gaining a broader cognitive perspective, developing a creative attitude, and being open to new challenges for artists. He can take on various roles related to functioning in society as an artist. Graduates are prepared to an essential degree primarily for creative professional work in institutions of visual culture, mass media, design teams and promotional structures, independent artistic creation, and the continuation of artistic education at the master’s level in the discipline of fine arts and art conservation. He knows a foreign language at the B2 proficiency level.
Graduates can continue their education with a second degree (complementary master’s degree) in Fine Arts and Art Conservation. The graduate can broaden his education in postgraduate studies in the field of fine arts, but also other areas.

Bachelor’s degree program adopted by the Senate of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce for implementation from the academic year 2022/2023

The curriculum for studies starting in the 2023/2024 academic year will be published at the end of March.


Profile of the graduate of the complementary master’s degree program:
A graduate of the Visual Arts major is a comprehensively educated visual artist and a participant and organizer of contemporary culture, using the interdisciplinary language of art, moving proficiently in both the area of the chosen sub-discipline of fine arts and design arts. Thus, he is prepared to conduct individual artistic and design activities. His experience allows him to freely combine classical and contemporary art media and apply them for applied purposes. Subjects in the field of culture and contemporary art, promotion, and dissemination of visual culture lead to a complete cognitive perspective, development of a creative attitude, openness to new challenges, and taking on various roles related to functioning in society as an artist. Graduates are prepared to undertake professional work in institutions of visual culture, mass media, design teams, and promotional structures, independent artistic and research work in fine arts, and conservation of works of art.

Graduates may continue their education at doctoral schools in the discipline of Fine Arts and Art Conservation and independently apply for the award of the degree of Doctor of Art in the designated discipline to units holding such authorization. Graduates may broaden their education in postgraduate studies in the visual arts field, but others, including undertaking pedagogical qualification studies for school teaching.

Maters’s degree program adopted by the Senate of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce for implementation from the academic year 2022/2023

The curriculum for studies starting in the 2023/2024 academic year will be published at the end of March.

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